Helium pairs up with Sunshine Week

Helium is pairing up with Sunshine Week to offer Sunshine Week Citizen Journalism Awards:

“This is your opportunity to think like a journalist and write about open government issues. Help raise awareness about the importance of government transparency by writing unique, compelling articles. You could be recognized as a Sunshine Week Citizen Journalist and become eligible for the grand prize awarded during Sunshine Week 2009.”

The question for the first month’s competition is, “Are candidates missing an opportunity to connect with voters on open government issues?”


While the Sunshine Week Citizen Journalist Award is not yet as extraordinarily prestigious and coveted as the STOTW Award, it is well worth the time and attention of FOIA writers. Have at it. Anyone can sign up for a Helium account and start writing.

Sunshine Week also has a blog.

2 responses to “Helium pairs up with Sunshine Week

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  2. Pingback: Sunshine Week Citizen Journalism Awards

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